Press and Editing

Content Editing

Our company offers high level content editing services. Our company has a lot of experience in editing in both Arabic and Hebrew languages, and we have professional editors with the ability to write and edit journalistic and advertising content that will suit any purpose.

What is content editing?

In practice, it is a rewriting of the text that the client sends to suit his needs and goals. Whether it’s editing articles and articles in beautiful, marketing language, or whether it’s editing for the press.

Journalistic writing, articles

How many times have you found yourself wanting to write a post for a website or prepare an article, but couldn’t find the appropriate time for it?
We are here to assist you in professional journalistic writing and writing articles for any purpose. Need an article about penguins drinking whiskey in Antarctica? No problem.
Need a comprehensive article on global warming? No problem.
Need an article about a social struggle? No problem. Our company employs past reporters and journalists, well versed and experienced journalistic writing, experienced also in editing.

Communication consultation and preparation for interviews in the media

Our company employs communication experts who will provide you with the communication services you need.
In today’s media world, there are a large number of platforms and social networks. There are those who will say that the role of the mainstream media has passed away, but in practice, the means of communication that we are familiar with still hold tremendous power.
The world of communication is huge, and the different mediums need to different approaches apllied.
We are here to advise you on the most suitable approach for you and your product. Together we will build a communication strategy that will optimize the visibility of your product, and also put you in the center of things. We will make sure to promote you in interviews in the Israeli media in general and in Arab society in particular.
We will prepare you for interviews in the various media, provide close support, and give tips for improving visibility, and conveying messages that are correct and appropriate for you.

You have an interview on Channel 2, and you’re under pressure?
How to dress up?
How to stand in front of a camera?
What to emphasize?
How to get out of frustrating questions?
Need a mock interview?

Don’t worry, we will help you with the preparation.