Reliable and high-quality

Good translation and editing is not measured in money. But they are a long-term
investment. Investing in excellent services for your customers!

High quality serving speed.

Good editing guarantees good and effective visibility in the business, media,
and social worlds!

constant communication.

Language is important!
Linguistic and grammatical advice.

Accurate and detailed translation

Good localization - because you have to
speak to the clientele in their language..

Careful editing in Hebrew and Arabic.

Small mistakes can have a big impact!

Reliable and high-quality

Good translation and editing is not measured in money. But they are a long-term investment. Investing in excellent services for your customers!

High quality serving speed.

Good editing guarantees good and effective visibility in the business, media, and social worlds!

constant communication.

Language is important! Linguistic and grammatical advice.

Accurate and detailed translation

Good localization - because you have to speak to the clientele in their language..

Careful editing in Hebrew and Arabic.

Small mistakes can have a big impact!

About us

Mersal Media

The combination of the words ”Mersal” and ”media” incorporates within it the goal of establishing the business on 4/4/2013,and it is definitely the transmission of your message through the means of communication.

Mersal means ” Messenger or delivery of Message “, and refers to the transmission of a message , since “Risala” is a letter or a message , so Mersal, is the aid to deliver your message through the written and spoken word. Whereas media, refers to the multitude of communication tools and methods of communication, and establishing contact with others.
The general goal is to convey messages in the clearest and most orderly manner, in all tools of communication, to your target audience.


The Service
We Provide For You

Why choose us?

Your Messenger,
To convey your messages in the best way

Hundreds of hours of recordings are translated and submitted to the courts in Israel

Over 50 hours of translating and producing subtitles for movies and programs

Over 300 hours of simultaneous translation in TV programs and conferences

Over 150,000 translated words and edited texts

Dozens of customers are very satisfied with tours, advertising, PR, and more

Dozens of websites and web pages that have been translated into the Arabic language

Dozens of instructional books and books translated into Arabic and Hebrew

Hundreds of articles are published in the various media in Israel and abroad


Some Reviews From
Clients Abous Us

Professionally productize customized imperatives and fully tested interfaces. Proactively redefine standardized markets through cross-unit methodologies.
John Doe
Professionally productize customized imperatives and fully tested interfaces. Proactively redefine standardized markets through cross-unit methodologies.
John Doe
Professionally productize customized imperatives and fully tested interfaces. Proactively redefine standardized markets through cross-unit methodologies.
John Doe


Some Pieces
of the Newsletter

Our Work

Simaultaneous translation and production of subtitles for programs

Our Clients

Check our
Top Clients




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