What is website and content translation and how does it affect your business?

What is website and content translation and how does it affect your business?

What is the importance of website translation and the availability of your business information in another languages? the terms “media content” and “marketing content” are conjugaly used as to refer to a set of documents used by businesses as part of their daily business operations, whether it is Images, videos, or official documents such as invoices, quotes, orders, user manuals for a specific product, and more. Communication and media content includes, among other things, all info-materials, photos, marketing content, PR’s, videos, etc.


Sometimes the importance of professional translation for these materials and their availability in the native language of the target audience is taken for granted. This is very true in the Arab society. We tend to think that all Arabs in Israel speak and read Hebrew, and that might be true to some extent. though, the orientation of the target audience varies, the sure thing about which there is no doubt is the importance of the Arabic language, and its presence. Indeed, the availability of materials in the Arabic language, adds a lot of value for the Arab costumer and shows investment and respect for the language, culture, and the customer himself.

The availability of information and communication materials in the target language can lead to the opening of new markets where target language is the dominant mother tongue, and could lead to the exposure of new audiences to your product.

In the current global era in which we live, along with developing social and commercial relationships, new markets are becoming important for the development of your business. With our services it is possible…
Many companies today tend to mix with new audiences from more than one country in order to sell and market their products and raise awareness of their brands. Hence the importance of translation and the availability of information in a set of languages to assist you in achieving that goal.

Translation of information and websites often includes marketing elements, and therefore it is important for companies that want to develop and expand to contact professional translation companies and carefully choose their translators, who are able to provide localization services, quality translation and product adaptation to the target audience.

It is important to note that marketing translation is quite different from literal translation and requires a high level of experience in adapting the content to the audience.

When the translation is done correctly and adequately, the translated material can open doors and new markets and help the company grow, expand, reach new costumers, outreach, and bring about increased exposure of the product and wider recognition of the brand beyond the country’s borders. When done poorly, it can lead to ridicule and anger from the audiences you’re aiming to reach, which can damage the credibility of your product and the services you offer. Hence the importance of professional translation and the assistance of localization experts as part of the translation of materials and the accessibility of the information in the desired language.

Regarding localization, it can be noted that translated materials are sometimes unaware of the various local customs and might violate taboos. although sometimes conventions must be broken to bring about greater exposure. Therefore, an insight of a marketing and localization expert to the translated material is a must.

If your company is new in the field of translation, website translation, and information accessibility, we will be happy to give you advice on the process and the right translation for your company. The professional translators of Marsal Media have years of experience in translation and localization and writing marketing content in Arabic and Hebrew.

Feel free to contact us for a free quote and consultation.

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